Sunday, March 20, 2005

wHo mOveD mY cHeEsE?

wHo mOveD mY cHeEsE?
Newton's law of inertia states that " The larger the mass of the object, the larger the reluctance for the object to change its state of motion or rest." I guess this applies to me too. Dr Spencer Johnson's "Who Moved My Cheese" was awakening call for me when I read it like 4 years ago. I've been living in my comfort zone for too long that i no longer have to courage to venture out into the unknown. My resistance to changes has cost me dearly.

I always thought I ought to make a magic marble for myself- a claymarble that is. A marble that I seek comfort in. It did not dawn on me that the magic is only in the making of the marble and when you throw the claymarble into a pond, there will just be a tiny splash, a few ripples and it's gone...

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