To My Dad

Starting to see the light of things..
It is your birthday today and I have not even spoken to you for the entire day and with 3omins left,i seriously doubt I will have the chance to talk to you on your 50th birthday. It was supposed to be a birthday lunch celebration at Paris Restaurant @ Marina Square but you had to be at a polyclinic for your medical check up. You could have joined us if you woke up early and went for the checkup early.
Now, I could have accompanied you to go to the check up? Never in my 21 yrs of life have I accompanied you for any med check up. I do not remember what was the last present I gave you during father's day, just because your birthday is so near this day on the calendar.
My Dad and I didn't have much to talk about. He was not the kind to ask how your day was as a child, not the kind who played with me or bought me toys. He will just sit in the corner of the living room smoking his Camel, oblivious of the harmful effects of second-hand smoke to the people around him. The kind of father that occasionally brings home the bread, the many yrs of hard work have indeed taken its toil on him exemplified by his balding head and loosening pants.
He will not have another 50 yrs to live and this thought kind of scares me. Perhaps its due time that I change my attitude towards him, not saying I totally disregarded him but to really show my sincerest care and concern. This may sound cliche but I guess action will speak louder than words. To Pa, Happy Fiftieth Birthday!
cherish him before u regret it.
alot of us do.
and i'm one of them... hs
mosquitoes are breeding in the stagnant waters here!
anyway,bon voyage..have a good time and enjoy yourself!dun burn ur hair...
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