Mugging time
I realised there really isn't this bit of sports genes in me, acting and singing aint my fortre too. Sometimes I look up in the sky, wondering what I am good at?It's just one of my crappy mood, once again, I will be alright, perhaps the question of self-worth will keep popping up once in a while. Thanks all for being there. It's time to mug soon...
what is mugging anyway?
Mugging means studying, Neil. Hey i feel the same way too. You aren't the only one. I'm sure you are good at sth, jus tht you don't realise it only.
i am feeling similar too. but i tell myself, it's just that the things we are good aren't valued the way it's valued by other pple. No matter what, answer to yourself and to God. He knows.
join coms lor.. i am sure you are experience and willing to join and be involved with all the planning and stuffs.
u're not the only one.
i suffer from these 'crappy moods' many a time too.
it's shitty.
hey sweets, i totally think you're talented in someway. each of us do have our unique gifts. i agree very much with blurdreamer bout talents that are valued by others and some that are not. no matter what it is, we must be happy with the things we're doing. that's sucha cliche i know. heh
anyway, i think your jay chou singing is excellent!! i was intrigued and i ended up stuck at jay chou for awhile.
you pretty much have the gift of the gab, and hey management could be the other gift you have. nonetheless you're so special in God's eyes,so please dont think less of His creation - YOU
wah drea commented that ur jay chou singing is excellent!
hrmmmss... *thinks* when was the last time we went karaoke together?
grr. get me to go next time kay? then i can hear your jay chou singing =)
and decide for myself whether your standard has improved *lol
Wad a response I have! Thanks for all the encouragement guys, yah, was in one of those crapp mood. Was pretty much motivated by the Adam Khoo's talk. Hm, someone said i sing well...HeHEh
I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills
Hi There
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much appreciated
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