Sunday, October 19, 2008
Week 10 Sunday
Having bold plans to blog about every city i visited did not work, nor arranging and admiring the multitude of photos. Memories seem so far away, those carefree times, those days I cooked dinner- ham and cheese omelette, tom yam soup with chicken, brocolli and carrots. Fastforward to this rat race, attending classes and meetingdeadlines, arguing on this, espousing on that, critiquing on this-that. (Not) knowing the difference between time-space and space-time, structuration and structuralist, I ask myself whats the significance of all these.
From, to password:Ilovegeogr.grahy, from being ditched by David ha.rvey and Foc.ault having a photo of you in his wallet, none of these most will understand. these are what keep us sane for a while. Admist all these 'mindless' debates about manifesto, visual-centralism, tracing the, I wonder how long these will stay in me and i constantly ask myself and God the purpose of doing this discipline. My heart cries out for the marginalised in society, but more so for the children in the region without the life-chance of making it to school, thinking about when his/her next meal is. My God above too cries out for the the unsaved, the unevangelised. everyone.
Why am i fretting over which destinations I should go for my next trip, wha grades I have for each assignment, where do i store my money to prevent inflation when it's kingdom culture, values and vision that i should embrace. Its tough, i know, having been of the world, engulfed by the bombardment of images and messages. My heart hardens, get so numbed by my surroundings, i think its about to bleed.
"Break my heart for what breaks yours, everything i am for Your Kingdom's cause."
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
This is happening to me right now.
One starts the semester often with aspirations to work hard, to make lots of friends, to try new things, but at the end of the semester feeling jaded about school and work. Wondering whether academics will go out of jobs if they ever stop writing journals and articles that put apparently simple ideas and weave them into a 20 page argumentation about issues, noting that half of the 20 pages will be of what other academics have already argued before.
Talk about recyling!
Sadly, this idea of ever becoming yet another sadistic person to torture poor undergraduates did come to my mind. Being at the forefront of research and ever expanding one's academic boundaries sound like a noble thing to do, I seriously do not doubt it. What is essential, in my humble opinion is the kind of social milieu that one is placed in, the supportive networks that is placed around an individual. Think Bruno Latour's Actor Network theory, the human and non-human actants interacting together for the production of knowledge in space and time.
Recent events have home seemed to have caused a paradigm shift. Seeing people around you graduating, the prospect of not reading any more shitty and constipated academic articles seem too appealing! With the capacity to spend empowered by Vitamin M, one goes up a rung in the social hierachy. But then again the sheer amount of responsibilty such as nation building (through our ever efficient tax agency) and everything else... will start to weigh you down and you get trapped in this place for me at least for 4 years.
Random thoughts, random thoughts and more random thoughts...
This happens most frequently after exams, so pardon the barrage of thoughts...
On my way to the library to return books else I be fined 1.50 sing a day per book
Down with capitalism??? (Nah, I dont think the library is profit driven)
Friday, May 23, 2008
UK host Visit
1) Its the second last week of sch here and I was rushing to hand in 2 of my coursework essays. Despite only having to pass these modules, i have to admit there was this academic pride within me, as an effective ambassador of NUS, i shall still maintain my normal (high) std of work. Sadly, i only know a hoot bout farming diversification policies in the Uk, and handed in a sub-par paper which I pray can smoke through.
2) 5 Looming exams coming up from 6th June till 18th June. I am SO STRESSED bout it that I decided to head down to London from the 4th-5th to pick Andrea up and go to Paris from the 13-17th. Talk bout being stressed.
3) thE SEP is coming to an end- be back in Sunny Singapore mid july. Till then, some last destinations include: MAdrid, Barcelona, Nice, Monaco, Cannes, Milan, Venice, Rome, Munich. Notice some repeated destinations...:(:( But since the gf is here, we'll just have to compromise on some places.
4) Last weekend was indeed special where I spent with a British family in the rural countryside near Oxford. Some photos!!!
Well, the pictures sure dont do justice to the house, but the interior of the house is uber gorgeous! Its quintessential English, and the room that Jared and I were given, its like a 5 star Hotel. Every corner of the room is decorated with the owner's impeccable taste. Just look at the teapots on the table. Our hosts are also collectors of portraits and for once we thought we were transported to fairy and lala land.
See what I mean, i was even smiling when I sleep...
Slacking one corner, enjoying the experience!
So actually, the house was converted from a farm, so now besides the physical structure of the house, there is a farm that rears chickens and grows fresh lettuce and asparagus!!!
Its like back in loughborough, as poor students, what we have on the table is what is on sale in the supermarket on that day. So Dinner will be simply, brocolli, Cauliflower, carrots...brocolli, Cauliflower, carrots...brocolli, Cauliflower, carrots...brocolli, Cauliflower, carrots...brocolli, Cauliflower, carrots...brocolli, Cauliflower, carrots...brocolli, Cauliflower, carrots...brocolli, Cauliflower, carrots...
You've got the idea!
So asparagus was the highlight for one of the dinners! Oh, did I mention, it was freshly harvested from the garden just one hour before, and there were 28 stalks in total. Just boil them and dip in melted butter with some fleur du sol... so heavenly...
So thats the chickens I was talking bout. And our hosts actually have at least one fresh egg a day. I was lucky enough to eat one egg that was laid like just the previous day. So we did eat like pigs, from cornflakes, mueslis, home made bread, fish pie, beef stew, mousaka (some greek dish), saussages, bacon,eggs,white wine, red wine and of course my favourite asparagus!!

Some activities that we did while in the house, scrabble, cooking, some ball game that you need to manuever your way around. The guy in the picture is Ingo, a fellow Host student from Cologne,Germany exchanging in Swansea, Wales. He speaks fluent English, German and French!!! Woah, I've got a lot to learn from him.
So that's a group picture of us over the weekend before we bid farewell.
It' pretty amazing that Mr and Mrs Cochrane (Malcom and Mary) have been hosting students for more than 20 years. I thought its really a great experience for us as short-term students to have a glimpse of English culture, food and values. Reflecting on Singapore, I wonder how many families would be such good hosts to international students in their homes and make them feel so comfortable and taken care of.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The beginning of the end
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Prague- Magical City of Bridges and Spires

The famous Fred and Ginger Building- courtesy of Jared Wong.
Being described as the gateway to Eastern Europe, Prague still retains much of its original charm and glory. But i wont say it would be the same 5 years to come, with the influx of tourists turning it into yet another place catered to the tourist gaze. (Urry, 1990)
importance of a good breakfast
Having the luxury of breakfast prepared by the roomie, I had this sudden craving for the smoothie in the fridge- roomie cant find it, i went to the kitchen myself and realised all was lost
There was a mass murder. Some say a mass rape. Besides the smoothie, the unopened Onken yoghurt, the ham was gone.

A delicious, interesting and high-quality yoghurt in a great big pot. Difficult to imagine what could be better really. The little chunks of strawberries all contibute to the wholesome goodness. The texture - well - is of course wonderful with the colour a slightly pink. It simply forms an integral part of my healthy breakfast. Now, I wonder who the culprit is...
Since the breakfast is the most important meal of the day, without the yoghurt this morning, I decided to just not start on my migration essay that's gonna be due. Even though the roomie is stressing me over his 4-5 hours of maths mugathon, I had enough. The sudden thought of graduating and not doing the 4th year seemed like an option. The idea of earning bucks and squeezing puny students brainjuice out seemed all too good. Thats all because of the spoilt breakfast I had:(
Alright, on a happier note, I am going on trips again!
30th April-4th May- Edinburgh and the isle of Skye
7th May- 10th May- Stockholm and Dinner with Zhanrui @ London
One of the praise and worship songs that I like! I stand in awe, admiring your creation Lord
From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untamable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untamable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
You are amazing God
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
All powerful, untamable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God
INCOMPARABLE, unchangeable
You see the depths of my heart and You love me the same
You are amazing God
You are amazing God
Friday, April 25, 2008
my first haircut

OK, thats the hair in front of prague castle!
"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hands, but it's when you know you are licked before and get to go through it no matter what, this is what i called real courage"
After 72 hours continuous and serious contemplation, so one decided to gather all the courage to become a guinea pig. He decided to sacrifice himself for the betterment of humankind!ok, maybe not so serious, but he decided to be part of this noble act to allow his friend to experiment with the hair.
A note about this friend, a "hot babe" wannabe, her interests include dancing, cam whoring, ahem experimenting with new things. Please kindly note that she neither owned a scissors or a comb before embarking on this big and important project. It could mean life and death, it could mean another 3 mths of ridicule and humiliation. But in order to scrimp on 6 pounds to go to a barber, he decided to look for the next best alternative, presenting to you: Hazel Peh
Some photos about the first awesome experience:

Yeah! the customer was a satisfied one, and the hairstylist become accomplished so much that she had pple queuing up making for appointments. Almost In case you Mr Moe decides to sack you one day, Ms Peh, I allow you to use my photos in your hairdressing salon along Orchard Road. Thanks a million Hazel!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Easter break blast!
so whats the favourite city? My friends call me a 'francophile', who loves everything french. I admit I am biased but I really love Paris! albeit it being too touristy in the end. My french served me well, and met up with a good friend of mine, chilling in the Quick restaurant, reminiscing the old times, it just completes the picture. A disclaimer: my pictures sure wont do justice to the city, neither my descriptions, but better than nothing la...

My first look at the Eiffel tower on top of Sacre Coeur. Was tres excited! The world's most visited monument, more than 10 million visitors a year (Thats more than the whole of singapore for info). More than just a satellite/radio transmission tower initially built for, the tower has evolved to become the symbol of Paris, the image that appears in everyone's mind when you mention the city.

In the heart of Montmartre area where I stayed, great artists such as Picasso and Van Gorh lived here. It dawned on me that i have the artistic genes, despite asking my fren to draw for me my still life during sec 2 and everyone crowding around me during art exam to help me finish my art piece... Ok that was all nonsense or bullshit! But I have to admit my appreciation of the arts have increased multi-fold and at least now i know the difference between crayons and colour pencils (I mean renaissance Vs Impressionists)

Moulin Rouge! translated to "red mill' in english. High class brothel back in the 1900s. Now that it has become the site for cabaret shows. The guide said that it was worth every euro, just that it cost 89 Euros including one drink. The pockets were not feeling that full then so I gave it a miss. :(

Aux Champ elysees, aux champ elysees! the orchard road of Paris with the Arc of Triumph at the junction. Marking Napolean's victory during his reign. Its GIG-normous contrasted to the size of the person its built for. Pretty impressive, well i guess I read so much of it during my french classes, just this sense of awe standing in front of it.
LV and prada bags going at 20 percent discount! OK, seriously I am not kidding! Being a tourist, i do get a 19.6 percent tax rebates on these luxury goods. Send me the dough if you want some bags cos I be going back to paris with the girlfriend in summer...

heh, the luxuries of life, desserts and coffee! The chocolate tart was the best thing i have had in a while! truly lives up to my expectations. So where are the profitteroles and macarons? Sadly, I dint have the chance to try them due to time constraints but I promise I be back.
Lots of pple say the city is overhyped, i do agree to a certain extent. Le Chateau de Versailles and la tour de Eiffel were a bit of a disappointment. Hordes of tourists flooding to these sites that totally spoil the experience. I wonder what will happen when summer comes. BUT the air in Paris is different. THe quintessential French experience. The HAute culture, the cafes along the sidewalks, the language, simply melts together in this single place. PARIS, je t'aime!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
London entry
Updates on my upcoming easter plan:
15/03/08: Depart London Luton to Milan (10 days in Italy, Easter in Rome!!!)
26/03/08: Depart Pisa to Paris (parlez vous francais?)
30/03/08: Depart Paris to Krakow (Poland)
02/04/08: Depart Krakow to Prague
05/04/08: Prague to Dresden (Germany)
07/04/08: Dresden to Berlin
09/04/08: Berlin to Brussels
12/04/08: Brussels/ Luxembourg to Amsterdam
16/04/08: Amsterdam to East midlands airport at 935am. (I got a class at 11am that day)
Seems too hectic, even to me, but trust that it be a great travelling experience. One of the highlights will definitely Auschwich Concentration camp in Poland, where more than 1.1 million Jews were exterminated during WWII.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Do you feel the mountains tremble?

So, why the title of this entry?
It was a traumatic experience, as I felt the whole floor shaking, the laptop screen started vibrating, the rumbling of the hard disk on my laptop and the distant fire alarm going off... It does not help when I hear the roomate fretting, volunteering to don his Sweater to head downstairs to check it out. He thought it was an heroic act- BUT all these lasted for the duration of 7 seconds. The air was still again with the furious typing of keyboard. We met for the first time our neighbour from PRC, asking what happened? No one knew, until half an hour later we received news that it was an earthquake measuring 4.7 on a Richter scale.
I think it's one of these rare times when you actually hear news about Loughborough and I heard the singapore media actually interviewed one of the students from the university. Less than 1 percent of the population in Singapore have heard of this place[Loughborough] (Goh, 2008), drawing from a sample size of his group of friends, but to myself, it has already become an intimate and intricate part of my life here during SEP.
It was after much contemplation that I decided to choose Loughborough as my top choice uni for this student exchange. Armed with the advice of a friend that I have been staying in a city all my life, I chose the pictureque and charming and some say (forsaken and ulu-ated) countryside over the hustle and bustle of London city (and sleaze and pollution....)I would say for now that there are no regrets and pictures simply can tell the story more convincingly.(Pictures are copyrighted from carrotcak84 and others):

The friendships forged during this trip , the dinners cooked(plus the amt of salt we add), the laughters and the collective memories undoubtedly would last a long time. Not to forget my family, loved ones and friends back at home, I do constantly think of you and wish i were there with all of you, partaking in the food especially. But all, I never ever regretted taking this step of faith to come.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Blessed week ahead
Location: Stonehenge, Salisbury, United Kingdom. Timeline: 4/2/08
Monday, February 18, 2008
Photo series!
Departure on SQ
1 going on SEP
2 women packing
3 in the household
4 luggages in total.
You've got the picture, and my check in luggage was an impressive 34kg! 4kg more than what I was given, so i decided to muster my biggest smile to the lady in the counter:

Ok, i lied, i dint use my smile, but I think it was the above face that allowed me to bring an extra 4kg of baggage in. (I really wonder what the 2 women packed inside)
And *drumrolls*, introducing my room mate and traveling partner for the next 6 mths!

Jared Wong Wei Ming! Ok, for girls who are interested, he's truly a coffee fanatic and can tell you which starbucks in Singapore sells the best coffee. We'll save the rest for other occasions cos i think we'll see him around for quite a bit.
Singapore Airlines- A great way to fly!!
Due to my (intentionao) last minute booking, Mr Moe had no choice but to allow me to get a SQ ticket. My second time on board the national carrier, armed with what I learnt in tourism, i decided to scrutinse the Singapore girl from top to bottom......

This is what I saw, ok, i stole this picture from the internet but then they looked pretty much the same. Bun up hair, red lipsticks, sarong kebaya, red or purple nail polishes? Despite some criticisms from feminists as the national carrier using the exoticness of the Asian female as the marketing icon, I am glad that the company has identified it as a strength for their advertising campaign. Fancy imagining them using the merlion to attract travellers.
Overall ride was exceptionally smooth with the occasional cries of infants, i slept for more than half the journey, and managed to catch Ratatouille on the Krisflyer entertainment!

Updates on London coming up!